The New Messenger - (English Print Book)

Book - ISBN: 978-1-942293170
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The New Messenger is a book of Revelation given by the Creator of all life to the human family through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.

Here God is revealing the origin, lineage and mission of the Messengers of God who, at different times in human history, have been sent into the world to receive and present New Revelations to the human family. Now at this turning point in the history and evolution of our world, God has sent a New Messenger into the world to receive a Revelation unlike anything that has ever been given before.

Down through history, the Creator has given Revelation and Wisdom to meet the growing needs of people and nations at different times and in different parts of the world.Through the Messengers of the past, God’s progressive Revelations have flowed into human awareness, advancing human civilization and re-awakening the experience of the Divine Presence in the world.

God’s progressive Revelations now continue anew through a New Message from God, delivered through a New Messenger, a man named Marshall Vian Summers. The Messenger has been engaged in a long and mysterious process of Revelation. This process began for him at the age of 33 and has continued for over three decades. Working through most of these years in obscurity, with only his family and a few assistants with him, he has received the largest and most comprehensive Revelation ever given to the human family.

The New Messenger is but a small part of the larger text of the New Message from God. The words of the New Message are a direct communication from God, translated into human language by the Angelic Presence that watches over this world, and then spoken through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. This spoken communication is then recorded, transcribed and is being compiled into a complete text by the Messenger himself. This is the first time the new messenger ii in history that the Voice of Revelation has been recorded and is now being made available for people everywhere to hear for themselves.

The Voice of Revelation continues to speak through the Messenger. The Word and the Sound of God’s communication are now being heard around the world.

Why does the world need a New Message from God? Why is this happening now? The New Message states that it is here to alert, empower and prepare the human family to meet the critical and escalating needs of our time as we now face Great Waves of environmental, political and economic upheaval and the hidden reality of contact with intelligent life in the universe. To face and navigate challenges of this magnitude, we need a New Message from God. Here the New Message makes clear that the traditions of the past cannot prepare us for the thresholds before us now, especially in a world of increasing religious violence, division and disintegration.

Table of Contents

The Will of Heaven
The Origin of the Messenger
The Lineage of the Messenger
The Story of the Messenger
The Veil of the Messenger
Understanding the New Messenger
Facing the Light of Revelation
The Prophet
The Messenger's Calling
Walking with the Messenger
Important Terms
The Messenger
The Voice of Revelation
About the Society of the New Message from God
About the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God



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