The One God - (English Print Book)
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The One God is a book of Revelation given by the Creator of all life to the human family through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. Here God is revealing the greater reality of the Divine Presence, both in our world and within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. This opens the next chapter in the progressive Revelation of God's Reality, Will and Purpose for the human family as it now stands at the threshold of great change and instability in the world. The One God is the second book of Volume 1 of the New Message from God. The One God contains 12 individual revelations, each given at different times and places during the Messenger's journeys in the world. The Messenger has now compiled these revelations into this united text. The One God is a book of many teachings. It teaches us to go beyond our concepts and beliefs about God in order to explore our own experience of the presence and mystery of the Divine reality in our lives. It teaches us that, both in our world and throughout the universe, God redeems the separated through Knowledge-the spiritual intelligence and power that God has placed within each of us to guide, protect and lead us to a greater life of purpose and relationship.
Chapter 1 Comprehending God
Chapter 2 The New God
Chapter 3 The Origin
Chapter 4 The Separation
Chapter 5 What Is Creation?
Chapter 6 The Soul
Chapter 7 What Creates Evil?
Chapter 8 The Redemption
Chapter 9 God, Knowledge and the Angelic Presence
Chapter 10 How God Speaks to the World
Chapter 11 God’s Plan Is to Save Everyone
Chapter 12 The Heart of God
Important Terms
The Messenger
The Voice of Revelation
About The Society for the New Message from God
About the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God
Join the Free School of the New Message
The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others. The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.
The One God - for humanity and for all other uncountable races of the universe
First of all this is not a “normal” book, this is a sacred book. Thus, it is even more challenging to write a book review about a sacred book. It is a sacred book, because it is indeed God who has spoken again and has brought a New Message and Revelations to the world. God speaks through his Angelic Assembly to the Messenger from God, Marshall Vian Summers. Actually, the Voice and the tone of the Revelation can be heard for the first time in human history. We are really living at a time of Revelation. What could be more important than that? “The One God” is composed by 12 chapters (159 pages), which are as follows: Chapter 1: Comprehending God Chapter 2: The New God Chapter 3: The Origin Chapter 4: The Separation Chapter 5: What is Creation? Chapter 6: The Soul Chapter 7: What Creates Evil? Chapter 8: The Redemption Chapter 9: God, Knowledge and the Angelic Presence Chapter 10: How God Speaks to the World Chapter 11: God's Plan Is to Save Everyone Chapter 12: The Heart of God Where can I start? “The One God” again and finally is responding to all the requests and grievances of the human family who waited more than 1,400 years for a new revelation. Humanity is facing great challenges ahead. One challenge is, that we have to face a new world, a changing world with dramatic weather, increasing political, economical and social upheaveal, great environmental difficulties where there will be great problems in food production and great migrations. This is called in the New Message from God as the Great Waves of change. The other challenge has to do with contact of intelligent life in the universe. The problem is, that they are already here. And God knows that without this New Revelation we, the humans are going to fail and may lose our self-sufficiency and may fall under foreign control. This Revelation is a warning, a preparation and a blessing. God loves its Creation. And therefore it has sent a New Message to the world and the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers have been receiving it in a period of over 35 years and is still receiving Revelations from God. Our true nature is Knowledge within us, and this, is the part of the soul which is permanent (eternal) and which is connected to God. To come to God then is to come to Knowledge within yourself, for this what calls you to God. By taking the Steps To Knowledge (another book by Marshall Vian Summers) we are taking the steps to God. And you do this whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist or a Muslim. Whatever faith tradition, there are still the Steps to Knowledge. God wants you to learn and create in this world and to contribute to its well-being and the value of others. The universe is full of a billion, billion, billion races and more, and they have all sought Separation from Creation in this reality. As all the chapters are very meaningful and deep I will pick up only one: The Separation. We are spiritual beings living in a physical reality, which is only a very small part of Creation and God had established it. Separation is tragic. It is the source of all suffering and confusion, anxiety and self-condemnation. God wants you to live a real life here so that your Ancient Home can be brought into this place of Separation, so that you may bring your gifts and the spirit of giving here that represent the Greater Reality that everyone needs and that everyone is looking in various ways. God redeems you through the power and presence of Knowledge within you. God does not care what religion you belong to as long as it can bring you to the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you. Before you can give, you must receive and take the Steps to Knowledge. The Revelations are written in a simple language, though the concepts are sometimes complex (as we are unaware and ignorant about them), therefore I strongly recommend to read them more often. Everytime I read a Revelation I find a new thing or a new perspective. We are living at a time of Revelation. When will you start your greater journey in your life? It will give you a greater life, with meaningful relationships and with a Higher purpose. Do not let this chance pass by.
A New God and the Soul
Thank you Greater Community teachers and Marshal. This book cracked open my old ideas of God and what my soul is. While it is all now even more of a mystery I have a much needed expansion of my understanding of the Universe and my place in it. Thank you again.
The One God
For so many good, caring, service-to-others people the term "God" is seditious. It evokes atrocities, gender bias, fantasy, corruption, and deviant behavior to name but a few. These abominations are human-generated but somehow blame gets transferred "higher up," perhaps because people can seemingly only conceive of a god who is just a bigger, smarter version of themselves. Most of the world's faith traditions, at least at the mystical level, will state that there is only one God but with many differing, legitimate paths to be in relationship to that one God. In practice, unfortunately, it is quite the opposite in too many cases. For the first time, in my experience anyway, here is a book that transcends all of that and truly responds to the "big questions" in a way that resonates deeply in the core of one's being. Not a quick read of stuff we've all heard before, but a new and profound perspective entirely that I feel many atheists could appreciate. Even those who identify with naturalistic pantheism may find that this book enlightens their standpoint in a soul-stirring way.
Fast delivery
The books came incredibly quickly to the UK. I can't express how blessed I feel to have received them. I hope many more can receive this precious gift to humanity.
The One God (book)
This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read! It answers a few questions that I've had my entire adult life, that have been responded to but never really satisfied my quest for understanding. Finally, the Chapter 7 What Creates Evil? has succinctly explained this topic that has previously never held water both in the spiritual field and the psychological field. That's just 1 chapter, there's more. Each chapter will expand your understanding & awareness of who we truly are, where we came from and what we're here for. This is a book that should be put at the TOP of your bucket list and read ASAP! You won't regret it; in fact, I guarantee that you'll love this book.
A better understanding.
I was very moved by the book. The Revelations about Creation, the Soul and the Redemption helped me understand my place in all things. I gained a greater perspective and understanding of myself. Thank you, a very important read for those seeking their inner self, and their purpose in life.