God Has Spoken Again - (English Print Book)

Book - ISBN: 978-1-942293-00-2
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God Has Spoken Again

There is a New Message from God in the world. It is a Message from the Creator of all life. It is a gift for all the peoples, nations and religions of the world.

An unprecedented crisis is spreading worldwide. A crisis of political, economic and environmental change and upheaval is now gathering force, threatening the stability and future of humanity. This is not the end of times, but instead a great transition to a new world reality.

We now stand at a turning point that will determine the life and future of every man, woman and child on Earth. It is at this time that God has spoken again. A Messenger has been sent and a mission is now underway to prepare the human family for the great change that is coming.

God is now calling across the world, calling into every nation, culture and faith community; calling into the halls of government and religion; calling into the darkest place where inner suffering and physical deprivation are deepest; calling for the spiritual power of humanity to awaken and emerge at this turning point in the history of our world.

God Has Spoken Again is the beginning of a new communication from God to humanity. What you hold in your hands are the opening words of this New Message from God.


Table of Contents 



Chapter 1 The Proclamation  

Chapter 2 The Recitation

Chapter 3 The Engagement

Chapter 4 God Has Spoken Again

Chapter 5 The Seal of the Prophets

Chapter 6 The Mission of the Messenger

Chapter 7 The Initiation

Chapter 8 The Blessing

Chapter 9 Living at a Time of Revelation

Chapter 10 The Assembly

Chapter 11 God’s New Message for the World

Chapter 12 God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction

Chapter 13 The World Must Receive God’s New Message

Chapter 14 The Calling

 Important Terms

The Messenger

The Voice of Revelation

About The Worldwide Community of the New Message

The Society for the New Message


Join the Free School of the New Message
The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others. The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.





  • 5
    The Lord of the universe brings a New Revelation to the whole world and to all the peoples

    Posted by manuel rodriguez on 7th Sep 2017

    First of all this is not a “normal” book, this is a sacred book. Thus, it is even more challenging to write a book review for a sacred book. It is a sacred book, because it is God who has spoken again and has brought a New Message and Revelations to the world. God speaks through his Angelic Assembly to the Messenger from God, Marshall Vian Summers. Actually, the Voice and the tone of the Revelation can be heard for the first time in human history. We are really living at a time of Revelation. What could be more important than that? “God Has Spoken Again” is composed by 12 chapters (159 pages), which are as follows: Chapter 1: Comprehending God Chapter 2: The New God Chapter 3: The Origin Chapter 4: The Separation Chapter 5: What is Creation? Chapter 6: The Soul Chapter 7: What Creates Evil? Chapter 8: The Redemption Chapter 9: God, Knowledge and the Angelic Presence Chapter 10: How God Speaks to the World Chapter 11: God's Plan Is to Save Everyone Chapter 12: The Heart of God Where can I start? God has indeed spoken again and finally is responding to all the requests and grievances of the human family who waited more than 1,400 years for a new revelation from the Creator. Humanity is facing great challenges ahead. One challenge is, that we have to face a new world, a changing world with dramatic weather, increasing political, economical and social upheaval, great environmental difficulties where there will be great problems in food production and great migrations. This is called in the New Message from God as the Great Waves of change. The other challenge has to do with contact of intelligent life in the universe. The problem is, that they are already here. And God knows that without this New Revelation we, the humans are going to fail and may lose our self-sufficiency and may fall under foreign control. This Revelation is a warning, a preparation and a blessing. God loves its Creation. And therefore it has sent a New Message to the world and the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers have been receiving it in a period of over 35 years. Our true nature is Knowledge within us, and this, is the part of the soul which is permanent (eternal) and which is connected to God. To come to God then is to come to Knowledge within yourself, for this what calls you to God. By taking the Steps To Knowledge (another book by Marshall Vian Summers) we are taking the steps to God. And you do this whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist or a Muslim. Whatever faith tradition, there are still the Steps to Knowledge. God wants you to learn and create in this world and to contribute to its well-being and the value of others. The universe is full of a billion, billion, billion races and more, and they have all sought Separation from Creation in this reality. As all the chapters are very meaningful and deep I will pick up only one: The Separation. We are spiritual beings living in a physical reality, which is only a very small part of Creation and God had established it. Separation is tragic. It is the source of all suffering and confusion, anxiety and self-condemnation. God wants you to live a real life here so that your Ancient Home can be brought into this place of Separation, so that you may bring your gifts and the spirit of giving here that represent the Greater Reality that everyone needs and that everyone is looking in various ways. God redeems you through the power and presence of Knowledge within you. God does not care what religion you belong to as long as it can bring you to the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you. Before you can give, you must receive and take the Steps to Knowledge. The Revelations are written in a simple language, though the concepts are sometimes complex (as we are unaware and ignorant about them), therefore I strongly recommend to read them more often. Every time I read a Revelation I find a new thing or perspective. We are living at a time of Revelation. When will you start your greater journey in your life? It will give you a greater life, with meaningful relationships and with a Higher purpose. Do not let this chance pass by. The other two sacred books of Revelations are "The One God" and "The New Messenger". Also revealed to the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. As mentioned it is recommended to take "The Steps To Knowledge", a sacred and ancient book about a spiritual practice which will give you guidance, strength and protection and will help you find your true relationships, your true self and your Higher purpose in life.

  • 5
    life changing

    Posted by Unknown on 20th Oct 2016

    Any spiritual seeker who loves God seeks a fresh new relationship with God must read this book. But no matter your religious affiliation or if you have none or are an aetheist, this book will change your life and how you see God and this earthly existence

  • 5

    Posted by Gary on 17th Sep 2016

    Really great book ....I like that it speak of hearth and the need of hearth and soul...If you don't have and open hearth you will not see or hear...I like this passage!

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    I never dreamed God would speak again to Humanity

    Posted by joyanne jeffery on 17th Aug 2016

    Great Book, it truly expanded my understanding and perspective on so many levels and layers. Finally something that made so much sense, and that resonated within somehow. I never thought about God Speaking again, but the state of the world tells me Humanity so needs this New Message. Grateful for finding this New Message, and hearing the words Spoken by God.

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    Paradigm shifting

    Posted by mary s on 16th Mar 2016

    This, the first in an extensive series that heralds and defines the paradigm shift that is happening now and beginning to accelerate, sets the terms of engagement between audience and material. This first book in the first volume of the One Book of the New Message leads from the heart, to the heart. The heart of the New Message is the Proclamation: There is a new message from God in the world today. Can you take that in? Personally speaking, if you can only begin to comprehend the profundity of that core message, if you can only reluctantly bring yourself to face the implacable clarity and originality in this message, you are yet well on your way to meeting the challenge presented here. Your heart will grasp this before your intellect!

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    How often does GOD give a new revelation??

    Posted by justin kohn on 15th Mar 2016

    Every human on this planet needs to be exposed to this new knowledge!!God cares enough about our future to let us know about this!

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    life changing

    Posted by Angela on 16th Feb 2016

    This book, as with all the New Message texts, is life changing. It opens up to us a new God, one that never left and is with us always. At first the mind says, how can this be? but the heart knows that it would be impossible for God to leave. Now God sends us a very important message at a time of great need for humanity.....our prayers are being answered. These teachings are transforming my life from the inside out. I am so blessed to have found them. This is the logical next step for humanity to evolve.

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    The resonance of Truth

    Posted by One of many students in humanity on 14th Feb 2016

    I have never read so much truth in any one book. Some of the truth can be disheartening but as only truth can, it gives a profound inner sense of peace, power and stability. It reads simple and deep, and at a cadence that can be absorbed.