Relationships and Higher Purpose - (English Pre-pub Print Book edition)
Note: This book is the pre-publication version - an 8 1/2 X 11 spiral bound manuscript, with a plain gray cover.
Relationships and Higher Purpose is here to take you beyond the normal parameters of human interaction to a state of recognition, union and achievement with others that meets the greater needs of your soul and your purpose for being here. If you have become frustrated with the superficiality and personal preoccupations that dominate most relationships, then this book-and the greater journey of discovery that it represents-is for you. Relationships and Higher Purpose is the seminal teaching on establishing, maintaining and completing relationships for the purpose of living the life you know you must live.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Your Most Primary Relationship
Chapter 2: Your Relationship with Yourself
Chapter 3: Your Relationships with Others
Chapter 4: Your Relationship with the World
Chapter 5: Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
Chapter 6: Your Relationship with Knowledge
Chapter 7: Your Relationship with the Unknown
Chapter 8: The Problem of Evil & the Forces of Dissonance
Chapter 9: Stages of Development
Chapter 10: Marriage
Chapter 11: Your Purpose and Spiritual Calling
Chapter 12: Establishing Relationships
Chapter 13: Maintaining Relationships
Chapter 14: Completing Relationships
Chapter 15: Conclusion
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Review for The Messages
I have read couple chapters form this book which are available online and was eager to order the rest and read. I live in Russia and all the books i have ordered arrived promptly and fast. It was so nice to receive a message in Russian from the community. I am truly influenced and amazed by the whole message by Marchall Vian Summers and have no words to express my gratitude for everyone involved in delivering this message to the public. No message or book has ever touched me like this one and looking forward to the new upcoming books.Amina
It's all about relationships
I know life is all about relationships--our relationship with God, ourselves, others, and our environment. This book keeps revealing wonderful ways to constructively look at the reality of life. Highly recommended if you are looking to be a serious student of Knowledge.
Facebook lotto
This book was sent directly to the winner of my facebook lotto, which awarded a copy of R&HP to the first person to post a comment on a quotation posted from the book. The winner was a friend from my college days in Seattle, Rosie.