Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing - (English ebook)
STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE takes you on the great journey of discovering Self Knowledge, the mysterious source of your inner power and authority. Following Knowledge within leads you to the essential relationships that you will need to find and to fulfill your purpose in life.
STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE provides the lessons and practices necessary for learning and living The New Message from God. Presented in a self-study format, it contains 365 daily steps that teach you how to see, to know and to act with the certainty and the authority that the Creator has given you. It is the consummate study in Inner Knowing.
STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE is for people who are ready to undertake their greater work in life and who realize that they are here to make a contribution to the world at this critical turning point in our history. This book is here to serve them.
Read the Introduction to Steps to Knowledge
What is Knowledge? Who is Steps to Knowledge for? What is it designed to achieve?
How it was given. Why it was written. How to work with Steps.
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The 11th day of November in the Year of 2018
As sacred as the Truth is the supply is always in excess of the demand. ... .. . .. ... Step #349 I Am Happy That I Can Finally Serve The Truth. IT IS YOUR GREATEST JOY, it is your greatest happiness and it is your greatest contentment to finally serve the truth. Your past has been frustrated and dismal because you have attempted to serve things without foundation and meaning. You have attempted to identify with things without purpose and direction. This has rendered to you the feeling that you have no purpose, meaning or direction. Feel happy now that you can represent the truth and serve the truth, for the truth gives you all that is true. It gives you purpose, meaning and direction which are what you have sought in all of your engagements, relationships, activities and endeavors. This is what you have sought in all of your fantasies, in all of your concerns and in all of your hopes. EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TRULY WANTED is being given to you now. Learn now to receive what you have truly wanted, and you will realize what is true. You will also realize what you have always truly wanted. This enables the truth to become simple and evident. This enables your own individual nature to become simple and evident, for in simplicity all things are known. In complexity all things are concealed. Only what is mechanical in the world can be complex, yet its essence is simple and can be directly experienced. Only in controlling what is mechanical in life, which you must do to a certain extent, are there complexities, but even these complexities are simple to determine step by step. Thus, your approach to life must be simple, whether you are dealing with simplicity or complexity. The complexity that we speak of, which is a form of denial, represents the complexity of your own thinking and the difficulty in your own approach. BE HAPPY, THEN, THAT YOU CAN SERVE THAT WHICH IS TRUE, for this will simplify all things and will enable you to deal with mechanical complexity in a direct and effective manner. Be happy, then, that your life has purpose, meaning and direction, for you serve that which has purpose, meaning and direction. Remember this upon the hour, and in your two deeper practice periods re-enter stillness with great receptivity and devotion. Remember that you give yourself here, that practice is giving, that you are learning to give and that you are learning to serve. You give what is true and you serve what is true, and as a result you experience what is true and you receive what is true. Therefore, this is a day of happiness because you serve what is true. Nasi Novare Coram . .. ... .. .
Steps to Knowledge
So simple yet soo powerful. I have been waiting for something like this for a long time.