The Allies of Humanity: Book Three - A Message to Earth presents the third set of Briefings from an off-planet source whose stated purpose is to prepare the human family for the realities of life in our local universe and to alert us to an alien Intervention now taking place on Earth.
The Allies of Humanity claim to represent a group of “free worlds” in our local region of space who do not pursue intervention or domination of other worlds, but instead seek to support freedom and sovereignty in emerging worlds such as our own. Here the Allies distinguish themselves from the Intervention into our world by exploitative commercial forces they call “the Collectives” whose activities represent a dark agenda kept secret for over half a century. The Allies of Humanity Briefings reveal the four major activities of this alien agenda and give us a clear picture of who is visiting our world, why they are here and what they ultimately want.
The Briefings also give us a window into the reality of life beyond our world, a view that we would never have otherwise, revealing the nature of trade, travel and interaction between worlds and the challenges humanity will face in our local environment of space. With this the Allies make clear that we are in the unfortunate position of being a native world discovered by powerful forces from beyond. History has taught us the danger and the tragedy that native peoples faced when they encountered outside forces for the first time. Now we are all the natives of a new world facing the threat of Intervention.
The Allies Briefings give us the key information we need to understand the Intervention, to protect ourselves from its activities and ultimately safeguard our world from its agenda. With this, we are also given a new vision of humanity’s future in space and a pathway to cultivating a greater unity and freedom in our world as we emerge into a larger universe of intelligent life.
Table of Contents
First Briefing: The Reality of Contact
Second Briefing: The Requirements for Freedom in the Universe
Third Briefing: The Tools of the Intervention
Fourth Briefing: Hidden Powers
Fifth Briefing: Many Voices in the Universe
Sixth Briefing: Greater Community Realities
Seventh Briefing: Questions & Answers
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The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others. The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.
Revealing the truth about Aliens in our world
I read Life In The Universe first then the Allies of Humanity trilogy. Book 3 completes the picture and seals the briefings of the first two books. I found that book 3 really brought home that we are already greatly influenced by the intervention after many years when we observe the way our society and world decisions are going. The books could be alarming but very calmly guide us in what we must be aware of and what we must do to prepare and resist for our greater evolution as a race. I was not into ET stuff at all, but now I am keenly aware of the dangers we face and our greatest opportunity for evolving closer to God and into the Greater Community of Intelligent Life in our universe. Highly recommended.
Important Subject.
I'm skeptical by nature. I have no proof of life in the universe. But I am re-considering the subject. If this PDF book is true or not is less important. The perspective contained is worth while. The perspective is very common sense. The major theme is freedom and autonomy for humanity. I recommend reading "Life in the universe."
Allies of Humanity - A New Revelation (revised from a previous review)
I have been aware of the “alien threat” for the past 25 years or so. Gathering snippets of information here and there over this period resulted in a less than full picture. There were huge gaps and glaring inconsistencies and an overall incomplete picture of the nature and purpose of this threat but I never subscribed to the popular, although naïve notion of a positive motive; that the visitations constituted anything less than a great threat – a very real threat to our freedom individually and collectively. One has only to consider the nature of your average abduction scenario – taken without consent and often without knowledge (irrespective of a common pronouncement of consent being pre-arranged by the abductee’s higher self) and subjected to the most vile, and undignified treatment, akin to your average laboratory rat here on earth. That does not constitute respect for your free will and as any Star Trek fan knows the prime directive for first contact or any contact is non-interference. So I was never deluded into thinking that there was something positive going on here. It just felt (in my gut) altogether too creepy to entertain the “savior from space” theory. Not that I’m a “Treky” but that “Borg” episode just hit too close to home for comfort. Then along comes MV Summers and finally the picture begins to fill in; logic and common sense prevail and the big picture is even given a frame – for the first time the all-important context is established. Now we are looking at the complete picture from the outside looking in rather from a very limited, dare I say microscopic view from the inside looking out. The problem can never be solved while being stuck within the problem. It must be seen objectively from a position disassociated from the problem. In other words from someone who is already free from this same problem – hence the “Allies of Humanity”, which constitutes a genuine Revelation for humanity. I have just re-read “Allies 1 & 2” and completed for the first time “Allies 3” and am currently reading “Life in The Universe”. What is most remarkable is the consistency that runs throughout . Some may say repetition, yet as mentioned in the narrative, this is necessary to view the truth from many different perspectives so that it can penetrate deeply and be fully appreciated like the many facets of a diamond reveal its’ shining beauty. (reminds me of ACIM that also employs this teaching method) So thank you Marshall for your courage and dedication and love. I for one intend on being an earnest student and realize that my schooling has just begun. Yet I am eager to undergo the required preparation in order to help spread this vital message; more vital I am sure than I could possibly comprehend at this time…
Response to the Allies of Humanity books
Sept. 11, 2012 I have been aware of the “Alien Threat” for the past 25 years or so. Gathering snippets of information here and there over this period resulted in a less than full picture. There were huge gaps and glaring inconsistencies and an overall incomplete picture of the nature and purpose of this threat but I never subscribed to the popular, although naïve notion of a positive motive; that the visitations constituted anything less than a great threat – a very real threat to our freedom individually and collectively. One has only to consider the nature of your average abduction scenario – taken without consent and often without knowledge (irrespective of a common pronouncement that that was arranged previously by your higher self) and subjected to the most vile, and undignified treatment, akin to your average laboratory rat here on earth. That does not constitute respect for your free will and as any Star Trek fan knows, that is the primary consideration for first contact or any contact. So I was never deluded into thinking that there was something positive going on here. It just felt (in my gut) altogether too creepy to entertain the “savior from space” theory. Not that I’m a “Treky” or anything but that “Borg” episode just hit too close to home for comfort. Then along comes MV Summers and finally the picture begins to fill in; logic and common sense prevail and the big picture is even given a frame – for the first time the all-important context is established. Now we are looking at the complete picture from the outside looking in rather from a very limited, dare I say microscopic view from the inside looking out. The problem can never be solved while being stuck within the problem. It must be seen objectively from a position disassociated from the problem. In other words from someone who is already free from this same problem – hence the Allies of Humanity, which constitutes a genuine Revelation for humanity. I have just re-read “Allies 1 & 2” and completed for the first time “Allies 3” and am currently reading “Life in The Universe”. What is most remarkable is the consistency that runs throughout . Some may say repetition, yet as mentioned in the narrative, this is necessary to view the truth from many different perspectives so that it can penetrate deeply and be fully appreciated like the many facets of a diamond reveal its’ shining beauty. (reminds me of ACIM that also employs this teaching method) So thank you Marshall for your courage and dedication and love. I for one intend on being an earnest student and realize that my schooling has just begun. Yet I am eager to undergo the required preparation in order to help spread this vital message; more vital I am sure than I could possibly comprehend…
Confirmation of the Intervention
I have not read Book 1 or 2 but read Allies of Humanity Book 3 in record time. I am now on my forth reading, as each time I read Book 3 I find something I missed the first time as well as better understand what may not have been clear to me in earlier readings. I'm especially interested in the ET presence, as I as well as most of my family members have been abducted by a race of ET's that most certainly are not benevelont. I'm well aware of the mental processes used by these creatures, and they are very powerful in many respectes but I have learned over time how to repel their planting of thoughts to steer me in a direction that would not normally by my course of action. I am well aware of their base of operations, or one of them deep underground. I know this place well, having been there many times and have seen first hand the atrocities these aliens do to humankind. I myself have suffered at their hands, often being returned home screaming in pain from yet another procedure. I understand these creatures quite well, I know their saucers quite well, I know of one of the incredibly massive underground structures quite well. I know of and have seen their hybrid program and have met many hybrids. I have seen the rooms filled with tiny hybrids being grown in clear glass jars filled with a clear liquid. As I looked around the room I could many hundreds if not thousands of these little creatures being grown. This book confirmed to me what I already knew regarding these particular aliens and what they do to humans. Since I somehow missed Book 1 and Book 2 I will not purchase these to be better informed. I also just purchased Life in the Universe and can't wait to read it.
How i loved the revelation.
Let me thank all involved with revealing and publishing these books. Just this month i absorbed two books-- Allies of Humanity (book one) and also The Great Waves of Change-- It is hard to choose just where to begin my reflection or reader-review. There are so many contexts, but only several could fit in these paragraphs. I have loved my two book readings. The presentation of God and universe are peacefully presented without the conflicting strictures of past traditions. A more open minded, non-invasive, widely-plausible summation of universe conditions is presented. I am still wondering about some of the contexts, inspired to read the other books-- While the warnings concderning humanity's hijacked state of affairs, fit well my own view of world affairs. I'm over 60 and yet still a an active manual laborer. I believe humans can double their life spans, providing that sufficient learning and self-discipline are well-applied. Which incidentally seemed to fit the "four pillar" chapter. I appreciate that each author or life-teacher will use specific terms and specific characterizations. The subject of earth changes by now has many descriptions and significances. Yet there is a common theme of the immanent changes. I collate these themes, for my own peace of mind. I balance the many stances, into contrasting view points. To retain a movable-perspective. To fly-around the landscape which reveals multiple aspects of reality. As it is developed in individuals, according to their circumstance. As it manifests through specific situations, in each context. All of which deserves a fly-around view of the planetary landscape. Marshall's revelation does resonate with other studies, yet retunes and refines a big-picture view which i loved. Allow me to encourage a wider reach to people of many walks of life: Here is my working-man preference for ebooks, (pdf or computer text publications). I am able to continue my manual labor occupation (working with my hands, broadly speaking at low income. Also keeping my body fit with exercise and fresh air.) I copy-pate text into GohstReader software which converts text into spoken words, (an mp3 formatted file)-- It is played back on a portable mp3-player-- Read to me at work. I have appreciated many books by this method. This has even been emulated in diverse traditions, for workers to hear uplifting and mind expanding oratory or readings. Perhaps soliloquies or bards have also transferred learning in this fashion. While humans worked to maintain those pillar balances. The computer voices are improving with time, but for the moment offer maximum compression for computer file transfers-- In that modern computers are text based-- So that text alone is the efficient network format. Then, on the spot, reformat the text into words-- Then transfer the mp3 file into a portable player. All at relatively low costs with extremely high value for humans, today! Extreme bandwidth-compression, cost savings, expanded markets, wider audiences and ecological benefits are to be had-- If this form of publication and education is encouraged. If more humans were made aware of this particular advantage, for the present era (and immediately). This approach deserves video advertising space. When i demonstrate this practical method, people are impressed. They just need to have that computer-impulse-buying close to hand. Along with a complete package to buy at low cost. (Book downloads, mp3 player and software. Perhaps one day will come with this software built into the mp3 player. Then one could download plain text-books and have them read out loud.... The Book-Phone? ) (The forum sign-up is blocking new memberships as of yesterday... intervention?).