Please note: There is a free audio download of this revelation on the New Message website:
51 minute and 30 second MP3 audio CD
God's new message on What Happens After Death
as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers
on July 11, 2008
in Boulder, Colorado
What Happens After Death - "What happens after death? Many people of course wonder and marvel and even anticipate what kind of reality they will face after they leave this world. In fact, the emphasis on this is the foundation for the world’s religions, for somehow it seems too incredible and too unreal to think that this life, with all of your intelligence and capabilities, would cease when your body ceases to function. Somehow, this seems to be a contradiction. It is not merely that it is a fear or an anxiety. It is a contradiction. For you were born with a spark of awareness, and you will leave this world with a spark of awareness.
The mystery surrounding this and the many philosophies and the great speculation that surrounds this, continues to perplex people everywhere. In fact, this is a great concern throughout the Greater Community of life in the universe. It is not a preoccupation for human beings alone."
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The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others. The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.
Things You've Subtly Knew About Death But Weren't Sure
Having gone through with my father's death had made me more sensitive to the process and having read the Steps To Knowledge somehow rekindled the information I knew since childhood about what happens after we die. I can assure anyone that this information is true and if they are looking for answers in order to get closure; this is a must have recording. Those that fear death will be comforted.Those people with low self image will be lifted with this special revelation to be able to carry their head up high in confidence as to where they will end up when the time comes and become better contributors to society.
Unique in the New Message...
I would consider this to be among the "higher levels" of the New Message Teachings, if there is such a thing. It's clear why it is only available in audio form. You really must hear the Voice speak these clarifications to you.
Dispelling misunderstandings...
This CD/teachign was really helpful in dispelling many of the misinterpretations and misunderstandings about long held beliefs and what really happens after death. One I will listen to many times.