Living the Way of Knowledge - (English Pre-pub Print Book edition)

Book - LTW - NKL
8.50 (in)
11.00 (in)
0.38 (in)
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Note: This book is the pre-publication version - an 8 1/2 X 11 spiral bound manuscript, with a plain gray cover.

LIVING THE WAY OF KNOWLEDGE is the New Message Teaching on how to bring the grace, the guidance and the power of Knowledge into the Four Pillars of your life: your relationships, your work, your health and your spiritual direction. After Steps to Knowledge, Living The Way of Knowledge contains the second great practice in learning and living the New Message from God.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Living in an Emerging World

Chapter 2: The Four Pillars of Life

Chapter 3: The Pillar of Relationships

Chapter 4: The Pillar of Health

Chapter 5: The Pillar of Work

Chapter 6: The Pillar of Spiritual Development

Chapter 7: Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family

Chapter 8: Building Spiritual Community

Chapter 9: Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others

Chapter 10: Being Present in the World

Chapter 11: Preparing for the Future


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 The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others.  The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.