The Allies of Humanity - Human Unity, Freedom and the Hidden Reality of Contact is being presented to prepare people for a whole new reality that is largely hidden and unrecognized in the world today. It provides a new perspective that empowers people to face the greatest challenge and opportunity that we, as a race, have ever encountered. The Allies Briefings contain a number of critical if not alarming statements about the growing extraterrestrial intervention and integration into the human race and about the extraterrestrial activities and hidden agenda. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is not to provide hard evidence about the reality of the ET visitation to our world, which is already well documented in many other fine books and research journals on the subject. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is to address the dramatic and far-reaching implications of this phenomenon, to challenge our human tendencies and assumptions regarding it and to alert the human family to the great threshold we now face. The Briefings provide a glimpse into the reality of intelligent life in the Universe and what Contact will really mean. For many readers, what is revealed in the Allies of Humanity will be entirely new. For others, it will be a confirmation of things they have long felt and known.
Table Of Contents:
The Allies Briefings:
First Briefing: The Universe Into Which You are Emerging
Second Briefing: Why the Intervention is Occurring
Third Briefing: The Influence Upon Humanity
Fourth Briefing: The Collectives
Fifth Briefing: What They Want
Sixth Briefing: A Call to Action
Teachers’ Commentaries:
First Commentary: The Problem of Human Denial
Second Commentary: Effects of the Pacification Program
Third Commentary: Understanding the Intervention
A Message from Marshall Vian Summers
A New Hope in the World
Resistance and Empowerment
Taking Action: What You Can Do
Ten Point Summary
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The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others. The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.
Necessary for humanity
I bought this book for translation into Dutch. It contains lots of stuff concerning the Intervention everybody around the world should know of. In my country, Holland, not everybody is able to read English very well, so to help them I started translating this second book - the first being translated already. .
The detail about the intervention and our evolution
I found this book answered all my questions and clarified my understanding of the reality of our evolution into the Greater Community of Intelligent Life. The very real threat we face as humans from the intervention, how the mental environment is used in i fluencing us and why our solution is through the reclamation of knowledge. It contains so much information that all I can say is read it. Even if the ET part of the New Message is not your main interest, the Allies of Humanity Briefings Series brings the whole purpose of reclaiming Knowledge into complete context.