The Remembrance - CD

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A 29 minute audio CD of
God's New Message on "The Remembrance"

as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers
on March 12, 2016
in Boulder, Colorado 

From The Journal: Patricia Summers speaks on Receiving The Remembrance.

The Remembrance

Today We shall speak on ‘The Remembrance’.

You carry within you the memory of your Ancient Home, deep beneath the surface of your mind, deep beneath the surface of that part of your mind that has been conditioned by the world and is fixated upon the world. But deeper within you, there is a greater remembrance, there is a greater Presence, there is a greater connection with your Spiritual Family beyond this world, who have sent you here, on a mission, with a purpose to fulfill.

You have not lost your connection to Heaven. In fact, you are tethered to Heaven even while you wander in the universe, living in Separation, living in Separation from all that truly is that is permanent and timeless and forever. But what is timeless and forever is not what your eyes see, or your ears hear, or what your hands can touch.

For you are living in a different kind of reality now, a temporary reality—temporary on a long time scale. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. And at this moment, you are somewhere in the middle, for the end is far ahead of you, and the beginning is far behind you.

An audio download and text of this revelation are available at no cost at


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