Please note: There is a free audio download of this revelation on the New Message website:
51 minute and 30 second MP3 audio CD
God's new message on What Happens After Death
as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers
on July 11, 2008
in Boulder, Colorado
What Happens After Death - "What happens after death? Many people of course wonder and marvel and even anticipate what kind of reality they will face after they leave this world. In fact, the emphasis on this is the foundation for the world’s religions, for somehow it seems too incredible and too unreal to think that this life, with all of your intelligence and capabilities, would cease when your body ceases to function. Somehow, this seems to be a contradiction. It is not merely that it is a fear or an anxiety. It is a contradiction. For you were born with a spark of awareness, and you will leave this world with a spark of awareness.
The mystery surrounding this and the many philosophies and the great speculation that surrounds this, continues to perplex people everywhere. In fact, this is a great concern throughout the Greater Community of life in the universe. It is not a preoccupation for human beings alone."
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